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What is the Treehouse?

March 27, 2024 | Lindy Ruth Rader

The Treehouse is Plainfield Christian’s indoor playground. It exists to give families a safe place to play year-round. We are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM and 1:00-3:00 PM, as well as Wednesday evenings from 5:00-7:00 PM. The treehouse is a free way to connect and have fun together as a family or group of friends.

At the treehouse, you can expect to be greeted by friendly faces, a warm environment, and plenty of opportunities for your kids to have fun. Kids are able to play on the tree-shaped structure, which includes slides, a climbing wall, drums, etc., as well as free standing stations around the room. These stations can include coloring, kitchen toy sets, matchbox cars and tracks, and a baby area.

Not only is the treehouse a space to play, it is also a space to build relationships. I have had the blessing of getting a front row seat to watch these families build their own little parent community. Week in and week out these parents would get to know each other a little bit better. The kids would play together sometimes well and other times not so well, but through this process of getting to know each other, they grew into a tightknit group of parents who are truly there for each other as friends.

Through the struggles of potty training, sleep training, sibling fighting, or picky eating, they are there for each other with helpful tips, experiences, and encouragement. During the excitement of first words, birthdays, new babies, and starting school, they are celebrating one another. It can be hard to build community as a parent, especially with a toddler and infant in tow, but the treehouse offers a unique, safe, and welcoming environment where both kids and adults can connect with those around them in a meaningful way.

Plainfield Christian loves getting to serve our community and families in this way, and we hope to see you here soon.



Sunday Services at 7:45am; 9:15am; 10:45am
In-Person and Online

Plainfield Christian Church

800 Dan Jones Rd | Plainfield, Indiana 46168